Articles tagged "Boris the Butcher"

Boris Johnson Skips Cobra Meeting, thus Decision over Christmas Protections Goes Unmade

Boris Johnson was tonight slammed for avoiding a vital Cobra meeting to avoid a decision to increase protective Covid measures before Christmas

Lack of Tory action on Covid-19 Pandemic cause Schools to Warn of Omicron Chaos in English Schools - Staff & Pupils Absent

Some schools have up to half their teachers off due to Covid, & there are fears parents will protect their children by keep pupils at home

Arrogance - Boris Johnson Accused of Flouting Request to Wear Mask at Theatre

Three fellow audience members said Johnson was not wearing a face covering during the performance, despite the theatre’s requests for visitors to wear one at all times when not eating or drinking.

In one day, the Boris Johnson's, Tory Government has Broken Two Key Promises

The Tory lies continue to negatively effect every life in the United Kingdom

British Medical Association to Issue Damning Critique of Tory Government over Covid-19 Crisis

Chronic neglect of the NHS, poor pandemic preparedness and flawed government policies have contributed to the appalling impact of the Covid-19 crisis in the UK

The Problem with Coronavirus is that it Doesn’t Understand Propaganda

Boris Johnson isn’t following scientific advice, he is running scared of a backbench rebellion by a minority of MPs in his own party.

Awaiting a ‘Tsunami of Covid’ - UK Lecturers Fear Students’ Return

The fears are evidence-based, she says. “Universities are asking people to come back to campus without mandating that basic things are in place to make it safe. It’s not about emotion.”