Articles tagged "Tories"

Tory Ministers to Stop Supply of Free Covid Tests to Universities in England with just 48 Hours Notice

Education leaders criticise ‘reckless’ move, after first case of ending mass distribution of LFTs (Lateral Flow Tests)

Tory Prime Minister's Office Pressured Me to Drop Anti-money Laundering Measures, says Ex-minister

UK ‘laughing stock’ for failure to stem ‘dirty money’, says Lord Faulks QC, who was told to drop register by Theresa May’s No 10

Another Country - Not the One I Represented as a Diplomat for 30 Years

Alexandra Hall Hall, who resigned from the Foreign Office over Brexit lies, now thinks the British malaise is much deeper than that or Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson Accused of Corruption as he Tears up System to Fight Westminster Sleaze

Boris Johnson tore up the independent system for combating sleaze in parliament on Wednesday as he threw the government’s weight behind protecting a Conservative MP who was found to have repeatedly breached lobbying rules.

Boris Johnson's Tory Conference Speech ‘Economically Illiterate’

Business leaders rounded on Boris Johnson for lacking a coherent economic plan after he delivered a boosterish conference speech that made barely a mention of the supply chain crisis.