Articles tagged "Tory"

Tory Ministers to Stop Supply of Free Covid Tests to Universities in England with just 48 Hours Notice

Education leaders criticise ‘reckless’ move, after first case of ending mass distribution of LFTs (Lateral Flow Tests)

Boris Johnson Accused of Corruption as he Tears up System to Fight Westminster Sleaze

Boris Johnson tore up the independent system for combating sleaze in parliament on Wednesday as he threw the government’s weight behind protecting a Conservative MP who was found to have repeatedly breached lobbying rules.

Flying Taxis - Tories Awards £12.4 Million Funding to Firm Owned by Tory Donor to Develop Flying Taxis

Significant amounts of public money have been invested in the company, yet the Government hasn’t declared any conflicts of interest

In Plain Sight, Boris Johnson is Rigging the System to Stay in Power

Weakening the courts, limiting protest, hobbling the elections regulator. If another country did this, what would we call it?

Boris Johnson's Tory Conference Speech ‘Economically Illiterate’

Business leaders rounded on Boris Johnson for lacking a coherent economic plan after he delivered a boosterish conference speech that made barely a mention of the supply chain crisis.