Articles tagged "Tory corruption"

New Tory Housing Minister Voted Against Rented Homes ‘Fit for Human Habitation’

Britain’s Conservativity Party new housing minister has previously voted AGAINST making all rented homes “fit for human habitation”, it has emerged.

Another Country - Not the One I Represented as a Diplomat for 30 Years

Alexandra Hall Hall, who resigned from the Foreign Office over Brexit lies, now thinks the British malaise is much deeper than that or Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson Staff Held Lockdown Party on Eve of Prince Philip Funeral

Deepening scandals surrounding United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson & parties at his Downing Street residence during coronavirus lockdowns

Who will Stop Human Rights Abuses if this Tory Government puts Itself Above the Law?

Dominic Raab’s is hollowing out protections and stifling judges will make state abuse of power unpunishable - In effect making UK state abuse 'legal'

Boris Johnson Violated Law when He Joined No 10 Pizza Party During May 2020 Lockdown

Claims raise questions about whether there was rule-flouting culture over number of months

UK Government Denying Democracy & Ruling by Diktat

Two committee reports condemn the shift of power away from Parliament to ministers through the use of ‘skeleton bills’ and statutory instruments

The End of GDPR & the Rise of Data Discrimination

Corrupt, Tory profiteers eliminate data protection to allow their donors to make huge profits from your private data

Corporate Takeover & Privatisation of Our NHS

Turning the NHS Into a $28bn Profit Opportunity - Tory Cronyism

Boris Johnson Accused of Corruption as he Tears up System to Fight Westminster Sleaze

Boris Johnson tore up the independent system for combating sleaze in parliament on Wednesday as he threw the government’s weight behind protecting a Conservative MP who was found to have repeatedly breached lobbying rules.

In Plain Sight, Boris Johnson is Rigging the System to Stay in Power

Weakening the courts, limiting protest, hobbling the elections regulator. If another country did this, what would we call it?

British Medical Association to Issue Damning Critique of Tory Government over Covid-19 Crisis

Chronic neglect of the NHS, poor pandemic preparedness and flawed government policies have contributed to the appalling impact of the Covid-19 crisis in the UK

Awaiting a ‘Tsunami of Covid’ - UK Lecturers Fear Students’ Return

The fears are evidence-based, she says. “Universities are asking people to come back to campus without mandating that basic things are in place to make it safe. It’s not about emotion.”