Articles tagged "Tory criminals"

Boris Johnson Staff Held Lockdown Party on Eve of Prince Philip Funeral

Deepening scandals surrounding United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson & parties at his Downing Street residence during coronavirus lockdowns

Who will Stop Human Rights Abuses if this Tory Government puts Itself Above the Law?

Dominic Raab’s is hollowing out protections and stifling judges will make state abuse of power unpunishable - In effect making UK state abuse 'legal'

Boris Johnson Violated Law when He Joined No 10 Pizza Party During May 2020 Lockdown

Claims raise questions about whether there was rule-flouting culture over number of months

Lack of Tory action on Covid-19 Pandemic cause Schools to Warn of Omicron Chaos in English Schools - Staff & Pupils Absent

Some schools have up to half their teachers off due to Covid, & there are fears parents will protect their children by keep pupils at home