Articles tagged "Tory cronyism"

New Tory Housing Minister Voted Against Rented Homes ‘Fit for Human Habitation’

Britain’s Conservativity Party new housing minister has previously voted AGAINST making all rented homes “fit for human habitation”, it has emerged.

Tory Government Bullied Safety Watchdog over PPE Supplied by ‘VIPs’ (Tory donors)

PPE supplied by Tory donors via the 'VIP Lane' has repeatedly been cleared for use by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), overruling concerns of the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) that it is not fit for purpose.

UK Legal Group Warns of Information Blackout on Raw Sewage Discharges

Fish Legal highlighted the length of time it had taken for the Environmental Agency to investigate & prosecute Southern Water over the illegal dumping of billions of litres of untreated, raw sewage

The End of GDPR & the Rise of Data Discrimination

Corrupt, Tory profiteers eliminate data protection to allow their donors to make huge profits from your private data