Articles tagged "corruption"

Books To Rend Your Veil Asunder No. 2

Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense

UK Sanctions Will ‘Flop’ Because City of London Is Compromised by Russian Money

A former US defence advisor warns that Britain is likely to be the biggest drag on any Western sanctions initiative against Vladimir Putin

Tory Prime Minister's Office Pressured Me to Drop Anti-money Laundering Measures, says Ex-minister

UK ‘laughing stock’ for failure to stem ‘dirty money’, says Lord Faulks QC, who was told to drop register by Theresa May’s No 10

Another Country - Not the One I Represented as a Diplomat for 30 Years

Alexandra Hall Hall, who resigned from the Foreign Office over Brexit lies, now thinks the British malaise is much deeper than that or Boris Johnson

A Populist Demagogue - Boris Johnson

Johnson’s Government ‘Most Extreme I’ve Seen, Says Former Tory Attorney General

UK Government Denying Democracy & Ruling by Diktat

Two committee reports condemn the shift of power away from Parliament to ministers through the use of ‘skeleton bills’ and statutory instruments

Fresh Prospect of Criminal Inquiry for Boris Johnson

The American businesswoman, and the prime minister’s ex-lover, is to let officials at London City Hall see extracts from her diaries

Boris Johnson Claims the UK is not ‘remotely a corrupt country’. Really? Is it?

Analysis: the reality looks different as the PM defends his Tory government’s reputation over allegations of sleaze

The End of GDPR & the Rise of Data Discrimination

Corrupt, Tory profiteers eliminate data protection to allow their donors to make huge profits from your private data

Corporate Takeover & Privatisation of Our NHS

Turning the NHS Into a $28bn Profit Opportunity - Tory Cronyism

Boris Johnson Accused of Corruption as he Tears up System to Fight Westminster Sleaze

Boris Johnson tore up the independent system for combating sleaze in parliament on Wednesday as he threw the government’s weight behind protecting a Conservative MP who was found to have repeatedly breached lobbying rules.

Flying Taxis - Tories Awards £12.4 Million Funding to Firm Owned by Tory Donor to Develop Flying Taxis

Significant amounts of public money have been invested in the company, yet the Government hasn’t declared any conflicts of interest