Articles tagged "deaths"

Ukraine Daily Summary - Tuesday, August 2

Russian forces transfer troops to southern Ukraine, may pause Sloviansk campaign -- Prosecutor General says vacuum bomb killed 50 Ukrainian POWs in Olenivka on July 29 -- Ukraine takes back 46 villages in Kherson Oblast since start of counteroffensive -- Death toll due to Russian shelling of evacuating minibus rises to 3 -- and more

Who will Stop Human Rights Abuses if this Tory Government puts Itself Above the Law?

Dominic Raab’s is hollowing out protections and stifling judges will make state abuse of power unpunishable - In effect making UK state abuse 'legal'

British Medical Association to Issue Damning Critique of Tory Government over Covid-19 Crisis

Chronic neglect of the NHS, poor pandemic preparedness and flawed government policies have contributed to the appalling impact of the Covid-19 crisis in the UK

The Problem with Coronavirus is that it Doesn’t Understand Propaganda

Boris Johnson isn’t following scientific advice, he is running scared of a backbench rebellion by a minority of MPs in his own party.