Articles tagged "olympic weightlifting"

Olympic Weightlifting Encyclopedia 65

An Uncommon Foot Position for the Pull: The Frog-Leg Style

Olympic Weightlifting Encyclopedia 50

Balance in and Recovery from the Squat Snatch

Olympic Weightlifting Encyclopedia 48

An Alternative Means for Lowering the Body: The Split Style

Olympic Weightlifting Encyclopedia 47

Olympic Weightlifting Encyclopedia 46

The Importance of the Position and Effort in the Final Explosion

Olympic Weightlifting Encyclopedia 38

Olympic Weightlifting Encyclopedia 37

Locking Body Parts

Olympic Weightlifting Encyclopedia 36

Olympic weightlifting encyclopedia 20

Analyzing The Snatch And Clean & Jerk Via The "Six Phases" And The Trajectory Of The Bar

Olympic weightlifting encyclopedia 19

A Proper Context for the Study of Weightlifting Technique

Olympic weightlifting Encyclopedia 17

Is There Only One "Best" Weightlifting Technique?

Olympic weightlifting Encyclopedia 16

The Technique Of The Snatch And The Clean And Jerk