Articles tagged "protest"

Ukraine Daily Summary - Saturday, September 24

People rally against sham referendum in occupied Snihurivka, Mykolaiv Oblast -- Armed Russian proxies knock on doors, demand locals to 'vote' on joining Russia -- Russia's proxies announce start of sham referendums on occupied Ukrainian territories -- Russia plans to mobilize 1.2 million conscripts for war against Ukraine -- At least 5 recruitment offices set on fire in Russia amid mobilization -- and more

Who will Stop Human Rights Abuses if this Tory Government puts Itself Above the Law?

Dominic Raab’s is hollowing out protections and stifling judges will make state abuse of power unpunishable - In effect making UK state abuse 'legal'

In Plain Sight, Boris Johnson is Rigging the System to Stay in Power

Weakening the courts, limiting protest, hobbling the elections regulator. If another country did this, what would we call it?