Kévin kevin@blog.sus.fr

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OG Hipster Blogger since 2000, the time before blogging was ever cool


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Doughballs in Quotation Marks

Legally speaking they are both composed of dough and in a ball form

A Cry for Help into The Void

I'm hitting brick wall after brick wall and I'm hoping the internet can help

What the Actual Fuck is This Rice

Looks like something yet tastes like nothing all at once !

WildDuck Email in Production Test

Famous last words : "I like this mail server, even though it isn't exactly prod ready"

Frosty Follies: The Tale of the Mischievous Propane Tanks

In a quaint Englishshire town, an icy morning becomes the backdrop for a whimsical adventure as hidden propane tanks lead to hilarious and heartwarming moments among the townspeople.

Fucking fuckity fuck fuck fucker

Database migration went bad