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Burma: the ruling army has extended the state of emergency in force since the coup in February 2021 for another six months

This was reported by the official media.

Kosovo, tensions at the border with Serbia over the ban on Belgrade documents and licence plates

Measures postponed by one month

Linux Mint 21 released

The Linux Mint team have announced a new version of its distribution, Linux Mint 21 "Vanessa" (based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS).

Iraq: parlamento occupato per la seconda volta in pochi giorni

In azione i sostenitori del religioso sciita Muqtada al Sadr.

L'azienda russa Gazprom interrompe le forniture di gas alla Lettonia

Si aggrava la crisi energetica in Europa.

What desktop environment are you running on Arch Linux base?

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Cyberspies use Google Chrome extension to steal emails undetected

A North Korean-backed threat group tracked as Kimsuky is using a malicious browser extension to steal emails from Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge users reading their webmail.

Nicaragua, cosa ci insegna la rivoluzione sandinista quarantatré anni dopo

Le ferite inflitte dall'imperialismo USA all'America Latina sanguinano ancora.

Sri Lanka: esteso lo stato di emergenza per un altro mese

Arrestati due attivisti che guidarono manifestazioni.

Open-Source NVIDIA "Nouveau" Driver Refactors Some Display Code For Linux 5.20

While AMD and Intel are busy with big graphics driver changes for each new version of the Linux kernel, the open-source NVIDIA "Novueau" kernel driver that is largely just worked on by Red Hat employees is just stumbling along. NVIDIA in May announced they are transitioning to an open-source kernel driver approach, but that current kernel driver is not in shape for upstreaming and due to the heavy use of the GPU System Processor (GSP) that source release hasn't been a huge help yet for the reverse-engineered Nouveau driver. With the upcoming Linux 5.20, Nouveau has some display patches.

Lula recibió vicepresidenta electa de Colombia

Encuentro "fraterno" de Francia Márquez con Lula.

Parla il portavoce del governo di Tripoli: "I libici vogliono votare, forze straniere alimentano il conflitto"

Mohamed Hamuda, durante una conferenza stampa a Roma, ha ribadito l'obiettivo di arrivare entro cinque anni a una produzione petrolifera di tre milioni di barili al giorno e chiede all'Italia di approfondire la cooperazione, anche nel settore delle energie rinnovabili.